Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I want to talk about the difference between need and want. Everyday I hear " I NEED I NEED I NEED" " I need the new iphone" "I need a new car". I'm guilty of this too sometimes; we don't need these things we WANT these things sure its great to have nice things! who doesn't want a iphone? or a new car but.. I'm sure the children in a 3rd world country are the ones who Need things such as clean water, food and shelter. I noticed we take things for granted in this country, we have grown to be selfish people that NEED unnecessary things, we are so consumed in materialistic things while the things that matter slip out of our hands such as our health our family.... I know we all WANT to be rich and drive nice cars have big homes but time is flying! we need to spend it doing things right. -at the end you go to the grave with nothing but your actions


  1. Nice, i like your first blog post!

  2. i really like this keep it up.. i will give you some feedback regarding materialism in a little bit.

    Ali Alam

  3. Unfortunately, most people will never really appreciate the very little things in life unless they experience something serious or drastic that almost ends their life or leaves them crippled for a while. That's when you really begin to reflect on what you want and what you need.


  4. As I read this I felt so guilty because I know I do this a lot. But I agree with the want and need. It's good to see someone pretty with brains and notices what is really going on in todays society, not just an air head!! Thanks for starting this blog i'll be keeping up :)

  5. Keep it up, and i will keep reading :) Preeach women!!


  6. A "want" is just another word for tempation. We call it a need to make it sound important when it truly is not. We are only fooling oursleves and doing what society wants you to do. This world is full of them and in America its at every corner. Tempations have become easily accessbile and more affordable to society. In those third world countries they have true needs that people need. We only need the basic essentials in life to survive, everything else is extra. LIke maria said your actions are what follow you to the grave. We should be more focused on our next life and how great we want that to be. If we can focus on that then as people we will become better and not worry about all the little tempations in this life.

  7. thanks so much guys :) I appreciate the feedback!

  8. Good post! Having the ability to say NO to a want is very strong, yet sometimes difficult thing to do! I am guilty of this as well. It turns into a battle of trying to convince myself that I don't need something, but at the same time try to convince myself WHY I need it! I been trying to work on it, and have gotten a little better at it, atleast I like to think so. It's amazing how quickly you realize that even strong desires to buy/have something, passes and fizzles out when you realize the consequences of buying it.

  9. Well done, Maria! I applaud you for your efforts to educate and bring awareness of the issues at hand, rather than the superficial which we tend to obssess over. Love, Fatema
